
Happy Monday everyone! I hope you all enjoyed the weekend. I certainly did! Las Vegas was cloudy and rainy, but the bf and I didn't let a little weather ruin our good time and our even better moods. I must admit I am still tired this morning, so I will let the pictures I took do most of the talking. Overall, it was an extremely relaxing Vegas vacation, and a romantic one at that. Trust me when I tell you that I desperately needed it!

Friday night. My tailbone is still really sore but I managed to bust out heels both nights.

Saturday morning, in front of the Mirage. You're right Katie, it's beautiful!

The inside is like a tropical forest.

City Centre. YOU MUST GO! We didn't even get to see half of it.

Bar/lounge inside the Aria

The boyfriend's phone takes great pictures

The Luxor is one of my favorites

Saturday night. I wore my Anthro volante top and I loved the combination with my Guess leopard heels. I was going to rock a skirt, but it was raining and I didn't bring tights!

We ate dinner at Tao in the Venetian. Truly beautiful!

Some of the best sushi I've ever had

I did a neutral eye and red lips

Nothing's better than a getaway with the one you love

Vegas again next year? Most definitely!
♥ Noelle


Hey Dolls!
I just wanted to let you know that I will be away from my computer for the next few days, as I am leaving to go to Vegas. I hope you all have a wonderful weekend ahead and I will be back to regular posting, reading, and commenting next week!

On a side note, I hurt (bruised) my tailbone Tuesday night while working out at the gym. I spent all day yesterday resting and getting Xrayed...followed by a happy shot that made me feel like I was walking through clouds. I am fine of course, but I'm a bit worried to walk in heels this weekend! I hope I can do you all proud and suck it up anyway. Oh and note to self: Don't sneeze as I just did! Cuz sneezing is no fun when you have a bruised tailbone.
♥ Noelle


About a month ago I was contacted by an online social fashion site. The representative asked if I would be willing to do an interview to be published today. I have never been contacted by an outside source before, so I was very excited to write the answers to a few short questions. The website, entitled Smashion, reads, " A social fashion site that features a free marketplace connecting people with a passion for fashion. Express your style, connect with others, and have fun buying and selling without paying a fee." To me, it sounds almost like ebay or an online consignment store. It's a fun concept and I will definitely continue to explore further. Anyway, if you are interested in my little interview, you can read it here!

Have a wonderful day,
♥ Noelle