
Botox is something I've considered for awhile, but it wasn't until a year ago that I decided to try it.

 I'm not going to claim that fillers/injectables should be taken lightly, or that my experience will be yours. Everyone is different. If you're serious about trying it, I recommend doing as much research as possible. You can even go in for a consultation to make sure your doctor is reputable and that you feel comfortable. I cannot stress enough how personal this choice is. There will always be risks involved and you have to weigh the pros and cons. There will also be people that may judge you, although I prefer to be open and honest about mine because I wanted this for myself. What's the point in hiding it? Fear of judgement is not helpful to anyone, and since I have this platform, I would feel phony not discussing it with you. Some women (and men) do hide it, and that's fine. To each their own.

I can only speak to my experience, why I decided to do it, and why I wish it wasn't still taboo.

I decided I wanted botox in between my eyebrows while I was sitting at a restaurant and an older gentleman handed me some advil because he said I looked like I had a headache. Bizarre yes, but it reaffirmed what I had noticed for a long time. I have a bad habit of squinting and frowning, and although my astigmatism is partly to blame, I also just have that nervous tension in my forehead. It's true that worrying ages you! I especially began noticing the frown lines while I was doing my nightly skincare routine, and as much as I wanted a miracle with the products I use, there is no such thing as a magic cream. I knew that if I really wanted to see results, I would have to go by way of injections. 

I did a ton of research on the internet, asked acquaintances who have had botox before, and finally settled on a med spa in Carmel Valley. My best friend went with me for the first time as moral support. I was terrified. I didn't want to look unnatural, just refreshed. I was also concerned that it would be painful. Fortunately, my doctor is amazing and is very conservative with her injections. She explained everything step by step as she went along. First came the mini ice pack that I held to the injection site. She had me frown as I normally do, and then went in with the needle. "Wait, was that it?" Before I knew it, the procedure was over and she smiled at me saying that most of her clients come in with the notion that getting botox will be painful or invasive...it's not. Listen, I'm a baby and have a low threshold but even I think it feels like a pin prick that only lasts seconds! She had me hold the ice pack to my forehead for a few minutes and instructed me not to lie down for a couple hours because the botox can migrate. She gave me a list of side effects that I should look out for, but luckily I haven't had any issues.

 I have done this four times and I am really happy with the results. My frown lines are smoother and lessened, but I don't look like I've gone off the rails. 

All this being said, I can no longer continue to get botox because I want to start a family and no reasonable doctor would perform this, even if you are simply trying. I plan on doing it again in the future because the results are worth it. Doctors recommend getting botox every three months for maintenance, otherwise the lines will come back. For me, that's the only downside. I have never had anything else done to my face nor to my body, but I really wish it wasn't such a hush-hush topic. Why is it still taboo? It's admittedly more common these days and it's also safer but as I stated before, there are always going to be risks. My rule of thumb is that if you do it for yourself and nobody else, you have nothing to be ashamed of. I feel very comfortable with my decision, and it has allowed me to feel more confident. That's reason enough for me to do it again once I am able to. 

If you have any specific questions don't hesitate to ask! Happy Monday.


Wearing //
Lush dress, pretty option here 
Michael Kors watch, similar

I feel a little guilty wearing this dress yet again for you guys! One, because it's sadly unavailable. Two, because I've worn it to death as evidenced here and here. However, I think this shows that you don't have to buy a whole new wardrobe to look great each season. Key pieces like a simple dress can be easily updated, and I did that here by wearing fun metallic slides. I keep seeing slides everywhere, and now that I have two pairs myself, I think my tiny collection is complete. See, just some fresh trendy pieces that don't cost a fortune can make your wardrobe look more current. It's always tempting to buy more and more, but if you're interested in managing the contents of your closet, stay tuned! You'll be seeing me remix old and new as much as possible for Summer. 

What trends are you incorporating? My favorites are slides, straw bags, statement earrings, and baby blue.

Linking up with Amy Ann, Gina, Laura, and Brooke


Wearing //
Zara blouse, similar here
Zara pumps, similar here 
Beauty //

I love dressing up a great pair of denim with a delicate top and sleek pumps. It looks effortless, yet I still feel polished enough to go almost anywhere. This feminine blouse is another Vegas purchase from Zara. Does anyone else feel overwhelmed in that store? Racks upon racks of billowy tops. I didn't know where to begin! Sizing is inconsistent so I grabbed a mountain of things to try on. I don't shop there often but I usually find something special when I do. This blouse was the clear winner out of the bunch, and it has all of my favorite details - lace, some frill, and a deep neckline. Just add a great pair of jeans and my date night look is an instant classic.

How was your weekend? Linking up with Rachelle and Caryl


It's hard for me to describe how beautiful Zion and the Grand Canyon are, and how much I enjoyed our first real road trip. I was nervous the entire week before we left and actually wanted to back out. I wouldn't classify myself as an outdoors person, more like an outdoors person in training. I love nature and the feeling of getting out on the open road, but up until now, I had been all talk and no action. Maybe Nate realized I needed a push and planned this trip. Well it worked! Within minutes of leaving our house in the middle of the night, I left all of my worries behind and entered in with a completely open mind. 

These are just little snippets from the trip. I wanted to capture what I saw and write about it for you but I didn't want the post to be too long. I hope you enjoy!


I was most excited and most unsure about Zion National Park. It looked unbelievable in pictures, but I couldn't imagine what it would be like in person and if it would live up to its name. It does. If you ever get the chance to go, do it. 

I really didn't think I would be able to complete any of the hikes, but we went to the visitor's center and researched the various levels of difficulty within each marked trail. I learned a few things about myself while at Zion. 
1) I can do things I didn't think I was capable of. I can control my negative thoughts and push myself by using positive affirmations. I didn't think I could keep up on walking such far distances, or going up steep inclines. Physically it's hard, but mentally it's even harder if I'm doubting my abilities. 
2) Nate doesn't let fear decide his experiences. He's afraid of heights, but he did extremely well and didn't complain once. We weren't brave enough to conquer angels landing, but now it's a goal that we have set out to do in the future. 
3) We as humans are small. I mean tiny specks. And I'm not an overly religious person, but places like this really put things in perspective. They make it possible for me to believe in a higher power. 

The first night we stayed on a campground called Watchman. This was our view.

Riverside Walk which leads to the narrows

The Virgin River

Zion is majestic not only in its scope, but also in the inspiration it gives to others. I could tell I wasn't the only person in awe of these canyons. Everyone looked almost starstruck, speechless. I think if you go you'll see what I mean. Otherwise, nothing I write here can do it justice.

The Grand Canyon

After the magic that was Zion, The Grand Canyon seemed like an afterthought. Or at least, that's what I was foolish enough to believe until we saw it in all its Grand Canyon glory. This place is even more majestic and even more spiritual for me than Zion. Every ledge I stepped, I got this tingly sensation going up my legs and for a second, I thought maybe I was the one afraid of heights. We originally planned on seeing the south rim of the canyon, but after reading reviews online, we decided to do the north rim instead.
1) The views are out of this world.
2) I meditated at one point.
3) Then proceeded to get a beer at the top of the observatory.

My travel partner for life

We camped in our jeep outside the north rim among trees and wild animals. I heard something rattle in the middle of the night and had trouble sleeping after that but I would do it again in a heartbeat.

My tips for venturing out on the open road:
Do your research on places you want to visit before you leave. But, keep an open mind and don't over-plan. The point should be freedom :)
Baby wipes will be your best friend.
Bring great music.
Take more videos than photos.
Use items that multi-task so you don't pack unnecessary things.

My tips for Zion & Grand Canyon:
Bring plenty of water, sunscreen, a hat, and snacks.
Water shoes are a must if going through the narrows. The water is cold, so layers are a good idea too. 
Check way in advance if you want to secure a campsite. If not, you can do what we did for two nights - park on BLM land and create your own camp!

 Nate and I have much more camping and hiking adventures to explore and I'm grateful I have found something I really love doing aside from blogging. If you need to clear the mind, a road trip is the perfect solution. 

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask! You can even email me if you'd like. Have a great weekend 😊