Well hello! It feels like an eternity since my last post. In some ways, it kind of has been. So much has happened since September of 2020. An election, a new president, the arrival of vaccines, the highs and lows of the pandemic. Yet it also feels like time has stood still.
I had every intention of plugging along, but every time I would open up my laptop to write a post, I would immediately close the screen. I just couldn't do it anymore. The reason was simple at first - I didn't have much to document. Living in leggings and sweatshirts and using the same old beauty products just doesn't make for great inspiring content. Then after awhile I came to a much bigger realization - I was changing, and so were the things I cared about.
That's kind of where I am today. Somewhere between missing this space and communtity, wanting to get back to putting myself together again, currently enjoying trying new beauty products that I'd like to share with you, and yet also...well, just at a different stage in life where documenting those things (or creating content as they say) are becoming less and less important to my identity. I don't want to force myself to do this every week, and I don't want to waste your time. However, I do feel like shutting it down permanently would break my heart. If I ever do decide to completely stop blogging, I care about my readers enough to at least say goodbye. That time isn't now. I'm going to keep going, I just can't promise it'll be regularly. When I wear something I'd like to share or when I get excited about a product, I'll write about it! If I want to vent or discuss a certain topic, I'll be relieved I have an outlet to do so.
I guess that's it for now really. The outfit I'm wearing below was actually from Thanksgiving! Never got around to sharing, but it did feel good to wear real pants. I don't think any of the exact items are available, but you get the point.
American Eagle sweater, Nordstrom jeans, Madewell boots, Sezane bag, Gorjana necklace