
The month of December always gets people thinking about next year: a clean slate, a fresh perspective, a slimmer waistline ;) Even those of us who think new year's resolutions are pointless can't help but ponder the future and look back on the year that was. I guess it's only natural that as time passes, we want to progress. If you had a wonderful year, consider yourself blessed and hopefully the momentum will continue. If you had a so-so year or a horendous one, I hope that January 1st brings you the promise for brighter days!

I try not to make too many resolutions, and I actually will just name these goals instead since that is really what they are. Everybody needs some of those! I decided to not only write these down on paper, but actually type them here on my blog. Maybe then I can be held a little more accountable. I need to be reminded sometimes!

So here are my goals for 2011 in no particular order:

1) I will take more fashion risks. Nothing too outlandish, but enough to push my sensibilities and move my style forward. I think we are always evolving in terms of what we like and what we don't, what we will wear comfortably and what will make us freak out a little in our heads. Just little risks, that's all.

2) I will only buy beauty/hair/and makeup products that I need or absolutely have to have! Hear that, MAC collections? No more shopping just because I can, and more shopping because I actually need something or simply can't live without it!

3) I've fallen off the health and fitness bandwagon and I can't get back on! It's been almost three weeks since I hit the gym and boy am I feelin' it! I will get back to my routine, despite the sore, bruised bum. Starting next week! I was given a Yoga mat for Christmas so I will also try Yoga. And, I will get back to eating lots of fruits, veggies, lean proteins, and whole wheats.

4) I will drink more water.

5) I want to learn more about photography and eventually get a better camera so that I can make this little blog look more professional. So...

6) I will TRY and make this little blog look more professional. No promises though!

7) I will work hard and save for things I really want instead of just dreaming. I'm not simply referring to clothes and cosmetics either. You can have anything with heart and determination.

8) I will continue to improve and sharpen my writing skills. This includes reading more books.

There's more, but I don't want to bore you any longer with this so I digress.
What are your new year's goals?

On another note, I finally won something in a blog giveaway! I don't think I've ever won anything in my life! I was so excited when the gorgeous Carolina of Closet full of nothing announced my name. She is an incredibly stylish blogger and I just adore reading everything she posts. Thank you so much again Carolina ♥
She sent me the sweetest little card along with Chanel's Riva nail polish. My first bottle! It is a pretty robin's egg blue with loads of shimmer.

Lastly, I want to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my love. He is older, wiser, and more handsome today than the first night we met ;) I never thought it was possible to love someone so much. He's a good one, and I am lucky.

Happy New Years everyone! I hope you all have a wonderful celebration tomorrow night, whether it's with friends out on the town or spent in some warm pajamas with loved ones at home. For the last time in 2010, Thank You for reading.
♥ Noelle


I am sorry for my lack of blogginess readers. I wasn't planning on taking a mini hiatus but well, it happens. No need for apologies I know, but I miss you when I'm away from my computer. I can't believe how much blogging has enriched my life. I think it's become more than a hobby of sorts - I truly feel like I've found a home here and I just wanted to thank you again for being so kind and supportive.

Did you all have a wonderful Christmas? Mine was pleasant, but I feel like I've gained a million pounds! All of the goodies that my boyfriend's family made has spoiled me rotten. That coupled with that fact that I haven't worked out since I bruised my tailbone is forcing me to place "Work out, eat healthy" on the top of my New Year's resolution list. Typical, right?!

I decided to take the plunge and buy two pieces of jewelry for myself. I didn't feel so guilty because my Christmas shopping was done and I had some extra money saved up:

I bought these at the Bellagio in Las Vegas. My first Chanel purchase! It was difficult bypassing the gorgeous quilted bags, but I can at least afford a pair of gorgeous quilted earrings.

The YSL Arty Oval Ring in turquoise.

I couldn't be happier with them! My plan is to buy a pretty, old-fashioned jewelry box to store my treasures in. Did any of you buy anything for yourselves this Holiday Season? I couldn't resist!
♥ Noelle


I had been waiting in eager anticipation to see Black Swan until Monday night. I don't typically recommend movies to people because everyone has different tastes. I can tell that some won't like this one due to some pretty graphic scenes that made the boyfriend and I blush (at least, I could feel myself blushing in the dark theatre). But I like psycho-sexual, creepy, what-the-hell-is-going-on thrillers. It fulfills some sort of curiosity in me. The fact that I studied Psychology and actually enjoyed reading Freud helps further this little 'ol fact about yours truly. So do I recommend it? I do! I loved every minute of it, and am contemplating seeing it again.

The film has already been nominated for four Golden Globes, including best actress for Natalie Portman. She gives the performance of her career. I didn't take my eyes off her the entire movie. She was captivating and beautiful.

I'm really into ballerina buns right now.

Boyfriend's favorite actresses, together in one movie =)

~Images found using Google~

Have you seen Black Swan? If so, I'd love to hear your thoughts!
♥ Noelle


Happy Monday everyone! I hope you all enjoyed the weekend. I certainly did! Las Vegas was cloudy and rainy, but the bf and I didn't let a little weather ruin our good time and our even better moods. I must admit I am still tired this morning, so I will let the pictures I took do most of the talking. Overall, it was an extremely relaxing Vegas vacation, and a romantic one at that. Trust me when I tell you that I desperately needed it!

Friday night. My tailbone is still really sore but I managed to bust out heels both nights.

Saturday morning, in front of the Mirage. You're right Katie, it's beautiful!

The inside is like a tropical forest.

City Centre. YOU MUST GO! We didn't even get to see half of it.

Bar/lounge inside the Aria

The boyfriend's phone takes great pictures

The Luxor is one of my favorites

Saturday night. I wore my Anthro volante top and I loved the combination with my Guess leopard heels. I was going to rock a skirt, but it was raining and I didn't bring tights!

We ate dinner at Tao in the Venetian. Truly beautiful!

Some of the best sushi I've ever had

I did a neutral eye and red lips

Nothing's better than a getaway with the one you love

Vegas again next year? Most definitely!
♥ Noelle


Hey Dolls!
I just wanted to let you know that I will be away from my computer for the next few days, as I am leaving to go to Vegas. I hope you all have a wonderful weekend ahead and I will be back to regular posting, reading, and commenting next week!

On a side note, I hurt (bruised) my tailbone Tuesday night while working out at the gym. I spent all day yesterday resting and getting Xrayed...followed by a happy shot that made me feel like I was walking through clouds. I am fine of course, but I'm a bit worried to walk in heels this weekend! I hope I can do you all proud and suck it up anyway. Oh and note to self: Don't sneeze as I just did! Cuz sneezing is no fun when you have a bruised tailbone.
♥ Noelle


About a month ago I was contacted by an online social fashion site. The representative asked if I would be willing to do an interview to be published today. I have never been contacted by an outside source before, so I was very excited to write the answers to a few short questions. The website, entitled Smashion, reads, " A social fashion site that features a free marketplace connecting people with a passion for fashion. Express your style, connect with others, and have fun buying and selling without paying a fee." To me, it sounds almost like ebay or an online consignment store. It's a fun concept and I will definitely continue to explore further. Anyway, if you are interested in my little interview, you can read it here!

Have a wonderful day,
♥ Noelle