
Wearing //
Nordstrom B.P. jacket (old) but similar here
Nordstrom boots (old) but love these

This was my first time pulling out tall boots ALL SEASON. Crazy, right? I've had these for a few years now, but you'd never know it because I rarely get the chance to wear them. I have to admit though, I'm not really a boot girl. I much prefer pumps or flats. I think it has something to do with feeling too covered up on the bottom, and sometimes I find that they aren't the most flattering on my body. It's probably all in my silly head, like most insecurities that women have. This style is also a bit slouchy, and I wish they were more structured and stiff for that leg-lengthening look. The utility jacket however is an old gem that I need to wear more often. I love it! It's the perfect color, and all of the pockets make for practicality. I know this trend is going to be huge for Spring, so I've been pinning looks featuring similar jackets like crazy. This is one "trend" I can get behind.

How was your weekend? Mine was great! We went camping in the desert, and it was nothing but wind, gorgeous scenery, and casual vibes all around. We are so lucky that we can borrow Nate's parents trailer to camp out in luxury.

Linking up with Carylee and Gina today.


After reading this excellent post by Rachelle, I was completely inspired to take inventory of my buys in 2015 thus far. I know it's only the end of February, but so many of us are guilty of blindly shopping and I can be one of them. It's almost mindless. You follow bloggers with enviable wardrobes, you see perfectly curated outfits on Instagram, and boom! Before you know it, you're filling your virtual shopping cart with similar items and spending more money than you'd like to admit. I received a few packages in the mail last week, and for the first time since getting married, my husband gave me the dreaded look. You know the one (or maybe you don't, which I commend). We both have separate checking accounts, but we do share a savings and we never touch that. Anyway, I knew from his sideways eye that he looked worried about my recent wardrobe additions, and I guess I don't blame him.

So here are my goals for this year as far as my spending habits/style/ are concerned. I also mentioned a couple of them in this post.

1) Pay more attention to the details.

2) Don't protect or save designer goods for the closet shelves. Wear them!

3) Don't just buy something because it looks great on someone else. Most girls I follow are actually quite a bit taller and thinner than I am, so just because a skirt or jacket looks like a million dollars on her doesn't mean that it will translate on my body.

4) Only buy multiples of things I have purchased before and have worn and loved!

5) Factor in cost per wear, and don't buy things just because they are on sale or at a "fast fashion" store. Invest in beautiful, timeless pieces instead of trendy items.

6) Quality over quantity.When in doubt, put it back on the rack. Tailoring can be an option, but only if the adjustment is minimal and only if I love everything about the actual piece.

Since January first, this is what I have purchased.


Express floral kimono (check stores) and mesh lace kimono

Shoes, Jewelry:

Sole Society flats and pumps

Elizabeth Stone Jewelry (ring, bracelet, long druzy necklace, short druzy necklace) and Anthro bracelets (here I am just wearing one of three)

Just ordered: 

What's on my wishlist for Spring and Summer:

1) More maxi dresses, at least two. I want one in white and one very colorful maxi, possibly even another print!

2) White skinny jeans and shorts

3) Simple tees that are soft and of great quality (meaning they won't shrink or look like hell after a few washes).

4) A new bathing suit

5) A denim jacket

I'm sure I'll add to the list at some point, but I really want to stay as true to this one as possible because these are things I actually do need. I'll keep you posted as the year goes on, and will update this just as Rachelle does on her blog.

How are your shopping habits going so far this year? Are you spending less or more?


Wearing //
Nordstrom necklace, similar
Express bracelet, check stores
Beauty //
Essie nails in Urban Jungle
Glo Minerals lipstick in "Aubergine" (love)

Mustard isn't a color that I ever imagined I would gravitate towards. I like it on my sandwiches and hot dogs, but would I wear it? A few years ago, the answer would have been an emphatic "no". Fast forward to the end of my college days, when it became all the rage. I remember my best friend got a beautiful long cardigan in the shade and once she wore it, I followed suit. That happens pretty often. I have to see a trend on her before I'll attempt it. Now I love it, but I feel like it's a hard color to find. When I received an email about these adorable little slingback flats, I think I actually squealed. I had to grab them before they sold out, and two days after placing my order they were happily on my feet. I've been experiencing the blues lately, so it's nice to look down and see such a happy color. Sunshine in the form of shoes.