
It's happening again - I'm experiencing writer's block, the equivalent of torture for any blogger. Sometimes I think I'm too hard on myself and I should just lighten things up.  I'm not exactly saving the world here so what's the big deal? This usually happens to me in Summer anyway. With all of the events I have planned, blogging often takes a bit of a backseat. My mind goes into break mode, and it's not until "back to school" that I begin hitting my stride again. I'll of course try my best to still bring meaningful content, but for today and probably the next week, I'll just keep it short and sweet.

Here's a recap of the month of June:

1. What I've been wearing

I have been buying shoes from Target like they are going out of style (they might be, but I hope not). In the last month, I have added these sandals in black, another pair of lace-up block heels, and these striped pumps. All of them are comfortable and most importantly, flattering. I didn't used to be much of a shoe gal, but this year, shoes have proven to be a weakness of mine. Like I need any more weaknesses!

2. What I'm loving

I got my first Fab Fit Fun box and I must say, even though I'm not typically a fan of subscription services, I think this is one that's actually worth it. Look at all the goodies you get! It's seasonal and you can cancel anytime. Use this code for $10 off your first box. I'll let you know if there are any real standouts from the Summer box, but I'm really loving the looks of everything. I plan on digging in right away. See that Michael Stars wrap? I'm wearing that on a plane Thursday. The blush and sunscreen are too. 

3. What I'm reminiscing about
If you follow me on snap, then you might have seen a particularly funny photo album last weekend. My mom dug it out of hiding and brought it to me. What a difference a decade makes! I guess I was pretty normal for a twenty-something. I thought I knew everything...I didn't. But at least I had fun in my delusions. 

4. What I'm dreading
Packing ---> then going through TSA. I love flying, but I hate the airport. Last year when we were coming back from Hawaii, I was stopped and patted down. I think it might have traumatized me? I do appreciate the level of security and I know it's for safety. But I dread the entire process! 

5. What I'm working on

Truth be told, I have been feeling pretty down in general lately but I want to save that topic for a separate post. Let's just say that going off of certain psych medications has been eye opening for me and not in a good way. My head is all over the place and I cry at the drop of a hat. Yeah, would you be interested in reading about that at all? Let me know. 

6. What I'm excited about/looking forward to
Despite number 5, my friend Katie and I are off to Denver for the next few days. I've never been to Colorado. If you have, any recommendations are welcomed! Especially as they relate to food and nature. 

What have you all been up to this month? Linking up with my usual favorites: Gina and Amy Ann. Also linking up for What's up Wednesday


I hope you ladies had a wonderful weekend! I was busy with friends and we attended a beautiful outdoor wedding - the best possible way to kick the Summer festivities off.

As much as I'm growing a little tired of off the shoulder tops, I must admit that I'm completely in love with this floral dress from Tobi. I first heard about the company through Gina, and now I'm getting emails regularly from them and trying my hardest not to buy anything more. Their inventory is certainly tempting with a selection of trendy looks. When the temperature heats up, a little dress is usually what I reach for and this one is absolutely perfect. I love the print.

Wearing //
Target shoes, similar here & here
Stella & Dot tote, love this here & here
Beauty //

After snapping pictures at our favorite spot, we took a little detour back home through the wineries...

The vineyards will never get old to me. It's probably in my best interest to take advantage of the longer days and cotton candy sunsets for picture-sake. Oh, and the wine of course. You know, just for picture-sake 😉

Linking up with Rachelle and Caryl


Botox is something I've considered for awhile, but it wasn't until a year ago that I decided to try it.

 I'm not going to claim that fillers/injectables should be taken lightly, or that my experience will be yours. Everyone is different. If you're serious about trying it, I recommend doing as much research as possible. You can even go in for a consultation to make sure your doctor is reputable and that you feel comfortable. I cannot stress enough how personal this choice is. There will always be risks involved and you have to weigh the pros and cons. There will also be people that may judge you, although I prefer to be open and honest about mine because I wanted this for myself. What's the point in hiding it? Fear of judgement is not helpful to anyone, and since I have this platform, I would feel phony not discussing it with you. Some women (and men) do hide it, and that's fine. To each their own.

I can only speak to my experience, why I decided to do it, and why I wish it wasn't still taboo.

I decided I wanted botox in between my eyebrows while I was sitting at a restaurant and an older gentleman handed me some advil because he said I looked like I had a headache. Bizarre yes, but it reaffirmed what I had noticed for a long time. I have a bad habit of squinting and frowning, and although my astigmatism is partly to blame, I also just have that nervous tension in my forehead. It's true that worrying ages you! I especially began noticing the frown lines while I was doing my nightly skincare routine, and as much as I wanted a miracle with the products I use, there is no such thing as a magic cream. I knew that if I really wanted to see results, I would have to go by way of injections. 

I did a ton of research on the internet, asked acquaintances who have had botox before, and finally settled on a med spa in Carmel Valley. My best friend went with me for the first time as moral support. I was terrified. I didn't want to look unnatural, just refreshed. I was also concerned that it would be painful. Fortunately, my doctor is amazing and is very conservative with her injections. She explained everything step by step as she went along. First came the mini ice pack that I held to the injection site. She had me frown as I normally do, and then went in with the needle. "Wait, was that it?" Before I knew it, the procedure was over and she smiled at me saying that most of her clients come in with the notion that getting botox will be painful or invasive...it's not. Listen, I'm a baby and have a low threshold but even I think it feels like a pin prick that only lasts seconds! She had me hold the ice pack to my forehead for a few minutes and instructed me not to lie down for a couple hours because the botox can migrate. She gave me a list of side effects that I should look out for, but luckily I haven't had any issues.

 I have done this four times and I am really happy with the results. My frown lines are smoother and lessened, but I don't look like I've gone off the rails. 

All this being said, I can no longer continue to get botox because I want to start a family and no reasonable doctor would perform this, even if you are simply trying. I plan on doing it again in the future because the results are worth it. Doctors recommend getting botox every three months for maintenance, otherwise the lines will come back. For me, that's the only downside. I have never had anything else done to my face nor to my body, but I really wish it wasn't such a hush-hush topic. Why is it still taboo? It's admittedly more common these days and it's also safer but as I stated before, there are always going to be risks. My rule of thumb is that if you do it for yourself and nobody else, you have nothing to be ashamed of. I feel very comfortable with my decision, and it has allowed me to feel more confident. That's reason enough for me to do it again once I am able to. 

If you have any specific questions don't hesitate to ask! Happy Monday.


Wearing //
Lush dress, pretty option here 
Michael Kors watch, similar

I feel a little guilty wearing this dress yet again for you guys! One, because it's sadly unavailable. Two, because I've worn it to death as evidenced here and here. However, I think this shows that you don't have to buy a whole new wardrobe to look great each season. Key pieces like a simple dress can be easily updated, and I did that here by wearing fun metallic slides. I keep seeing slides everywhere, and now that I have two pairs myself, I think my tiny collection is complete. See, just some fresh trendy pieces that don't cost a fortune can make your wardrobe look more current. It's always tempting to buy more and more, but if you're interested in managing the contents of your closet, stay tuned! You'll be seeing me remix old and new as much as possible for Summer. 

What trends are you incorporating? My favorites are slides, straw bags, statement earrings, and baby blue.

Linking up with Amy Ann, Gina, Laura, and Brooke