
Every season this year, I will be resuming my current cravings post. I used to do these a lot when I first started blogging and I'm not sure why I stopped!  You probably know the drill - these are all items that are on my radar, either because I am lacking something similar in my existing wardrobe or because I want to try a certain trend.

This month finally feels "Wintery" here so most of my cravings are still in the cold weather category. January is a pretty boring month in the fashion world. Most stores look picked over from the holiday sales, but it's still too chilly to think about Spring. Luckily for me, I still need a few things that I can wear now...but also later as the temps warm back up.

Notice a theme here? Neutral, versatile, and basically fool-proof! Next month, we'll see what I picked up, what worked, and maybe what didn't. What are you craving?


I currently have a pimple on my forehead. I also have a couple fine lines right next to it.

Pimples and wrinkles? Welcome to thirty-three.

And so it goes, just another typical week around here. Stuck between puberty and adulthood, or so it appears that way. It was only a few short months ago that I had my skincare routine down to a science. Then I stopped taking birth control pills over the Summer and now I'm just trying to understand my own body again.


I'll admit that I've been reluctant to write about this, mostly because it's a little embarrassing. But if I'm experiencing these changes then I'm sure a lot of you are (or have) as well.

I started taking the pill when I was eighteen. I had horrible menstrual cycles that were extremely painful, making the week of my period absolute Hell. My skin was fairly normal but when I broke out, I really broke out! We're talking red, cystic bumps. When my doctor recommended I try a low dose birth control pill to help regulate my hormones, I gladly accepted. All the nerves I had about taking a pill every single day quickly faded away as my skin, hair, nails, everything seemed to improve.

I never had issues on ortho tri cyclen lo. I didn't have the same hiccups that plagued my girlfriends. Many of them tried different methods because the side effects of birth control really impacted their bodies in a negative way. It was confusing to me because I didn't have any complaints. It worked well! My cycle became regular, my skin looked amazing, my hair shined, and I lived my life without worry. I felt in control of my body.

Then in June, Nate and I decided that we were ready to start a family and I stopped taking all of my medications including the pill. I was SO nervous. After over a decade of relying on it, I was done. Just like that. I poured over online articles, medical journals, consulted with a doctor, and asked my girlfriends if stopping birth control was easy. Namely, was my body going to freak out? Spontaneously combust?

Before I go on, let me caution you guys against reading too much into somebody else's experience. I read horror stories of women suddenly getting horrible acne, mood swings that bordered on institutionalization, and oily hair that couldn't be tamed. The last part scared me the most. "Damn, I'll have to wash my hair every day?" No thanks. I have enough trouble as it is.

The truth is, everybody is going to react differently when starting or stopping any type of hormonal treatment, just as everybody reacts differently to  certain medications. So before you have a meltdown like I did in June, just relax. Your body may change like mine has, or you may not notice any changes at all.

So right now, a little over six months after stopping the pill and I have:
An oily complexion. The rest of my body is dry as a desert (I suffer from mild eczema and dry patches).
I have intermittent periods where my skin still looks and feels like it did before, but I break out more often especially little bumps along my hairline and jawline. I cannot express how irritating this is to me.
My hair gets oily faster, especially in the front. I now wash my hair three times per week, in comparison to twice before.
My period is regular and actually fairly easy. Not too much pain either, thank God.
The one thing that has really been a struggle is my mood. I go up and down so much and quickly too. I'm still unsure what to do in order to create balance, but I'm hoping that my body will regulate  itself. 

The products shown above are what I've been using. I find that I still enjoy most of them, but I have a less heavy hand with the creams. I also have been exfoliating more, about three times per week. I am super diligent about cleansing too. The L'oreal pure clay cleanser has been amazing at removing impurities, so I plan on buying another soon.

This post isn't necessarily me giving you advice because I'm sorting through it all myself. I just wanted to share that if you're going through hormonal changes too, that I totally understand how frustrating it can be! I would love to hear from you guys on this topic! Any tips, special products that I should know about? Our bodies are resilient, and we will adjust.


Beauty // Lips in Clinique Black Honey

I got this check mini dress right after Christmas, and this outfit is head-to-toe what I wore on new years eve. Yes, I skipped the usual glitz and shine and just decided to go with something understated for my friend's party. I'm really loving the plaid trend. Asos has quite a few options, but this dress caught my eye in the petite department. Great for layering and extremely versatile depending on the season. I think it'll look nice in the Spring with a long cardigan and kitten heels. If you are currently in the midst of snow (hello bomb cyclone) pairing a dress like this with thick tights and a coat would be polished enough for work.

Speaking of which, I hope my friends on the east coast and beyond are staying safe and warm! I can count on one hand how many times I've even seen snow. Ridiculous but true!

Linking up with: More Pieces of Me & Pink Sole


First off, happy new year everyone! I hope you guys had a great ending to the year and are ready to start fresh. As I've always said, I love the feeling of a clean slate every January and this time is no different. Every day holds the possibility of something extraordinary, so try and make the most of it!

               Wearing // BLANK NYC jacket, Free People bralette, similar camisole, Express jeans,                          similar pumps, Sezane bag
                M.A.C. lips in Ravishing

I wore this during the festivities and really enjoyed the new moto jacket I got during Nordstrom's anniversary sale. I could finally put it to use! It's a bit heavy for California weather, but it gets really chilly at night so it's perfect as a topper to any outfit. And the color! Such a rich caramel shade that brings out the warmth in my features. It's definitely one of my favorite purchases from last year (how weird is it to say that by the way?!)

I don't typically do resolutions, at least not in the formal sense. I think it's a nice sentiment but it also sets people up for failure. Small changes and tweaks as well as setting long-term goals is the most effective way to go about a new year. I like to write mine down so that I can actually visualize what I want to accomplish. Some people also create mood boards and I think I might do that alongside a written list. Here are the areas I want to focus on for 2018:

1) Health: Put my health and wellbeing at the top of my priority list.

2) Relationships: Continue to foster the relationships in my life that are valuable and important to me.

3) Education: I start school again next week, and I want to throw myself into learning all that I can.

4) Finances: Spend less on things, more on memories.

5) Positive Thinking: This will always be SO difficult for me, but worth the constant reminder.

And for the blog:

1) Improved photography: I got a new lens, can you tell the difference? I absolutely can by these pictures!

2) A Set Schedule: Monday-Wednesday seems to be the best option for me but I know blogging three days a week is ideal. I personally don't tend to read blogs on Fridays for some reason, but maybe that's just me.

I'm going to continue plugging along, and I'm really excited to see where the year takes all of us! Dwelling on past mistakes and negative thinking keeps us stagnant but moving forward, even baby steps, is the key to happiness and success. I plan on going more in depth about these goals in the coming weeks so I hope you'll follow along with me. 💋

What are some of your goals/intentions for the new year?