
I approach trends in beauty the same way I approach them in fashion - cautiously. I prefer looking natural, not because I'm super busy all the time and can't make the extra effort, but really because I just favor a more natural look in general. Even when I go out at night or attend a special event, I don't pile on the makeup or fuss much with my hair. Just clean and put-together is my M.O. and it's something I've become increasingly comfortable with. Contouring my face every morning? Not gonna happen. Acrylic nails? Ouch!

That doesn't mean I don't like having fun though! It's good to switch things up every once in awhile, especially in the beauty department. A new lipstick shade or shorter haircut can be the simplest way to get out of a beauty rut. And please, if you're one who does enjoy keeping up with all of the latest treatments and trends, then that's great! Do what makes you feel confident and beautiful.

Anyway, my friend Nicole does eyelash extensions and after months of admiring her work on clients I decided to just go for it as a birthday treat to myself.

Eyelash Extensions:

I'll admit that I was a little nervous to try eyelash extensions, mostly because I thought it would be such a tedious process and I'm not great at being still for too long. I obviously can only speak of my own experience, but the process was much easier and faster than I thought! I arrived for my appointment at 10:00 a.m. and was done by 12:30 p.m. I found it very relaxing. I wore loose, comfortable clothing so that I could enjoy lying on her table (the same you've probably experienced if you've ever gotten a massage or facial). I had clean skin with zero makeup on. From there, my friend explained what she would be doing, including showing me the tape she would be using to prevent my lower lashes from sticking to my upper lashes during the process. Every lash extension has to be individually applied to your natural lashes and that's no easy feat! My natural lashes are incredibly short and sparse so she used lash extensions that would just enhance them and add a bit more length and fullness without looking obvious. I'm telling you, natural is key for me. We chatted most of the time, and I had to keep my eyes closed until she was completely done.

I must mention that I often deal with seasonal allergies. I have dry eyes which ironically makes them water all the time, and I was so worried that these factors would have a negative effect on extensions. Now that I've had them for over a week, I feel comfortable saying that my eyes and lashes are great! I haven't experienced any discomfort, no itching, swelling, nothing. I can hardly feel them. My eyes still water throughout the day, but I just make sure I don't rub them. I use a lash comb as needed, mostly in the morning, and I can still wash my face and do my normal skincare routine.

I'll have my first fill next week. I'm not certain how long I'm going to keep them on (probably just a month), but I'm so happy that I decided to try them because they really do enhance the face. As always, I just recommend that you do some research on professionals in your area, including pictures and testimonials. I've read some terrible stories! Honestly though, my natural lashes are almost non-existent, so my level of fear that they will become even less so is pretty low.

Fresh lash extensions. These are known as the "classic" set.
If you have any specific questions I didn't mention, let me know! I'm sure my friend has the answer.


Aside from getting lash extensions right before my birthday, I also freshened up my hair color. It had been months since I had any color done, and it was starting to look really brassy in areas and the ends were pretty blonde. My stylist brought me back to the darker side, albeit with some lighter pieces melted throughout. I've had balayage for a little over a year now and I still enjoy the dimension and warmth it brings. I'm tempted to go back to completely dark sometimes, but this type of color is so easy to maintain that I don't find it to be much more upkeep than my natural hair.

I'm really happy with the products I'm using on my hair so I'm putting together a separate post!

Do you update your beauty routines often? Have you tried eyelash extensions, balayage, or other  beauty treatments? Please share!

Linking up with On The Daily Express and Straight A Style


My 35th birthday was yesterday, and it was fabulous! I didn't have any set plans, which I guess is kind of unusual considering that I'm at the halfway mark of my 30's, and I originally thought a few months ago that I'd do something big to celebrate. But maybe that's more of a signal that I truly am at a different stage in my life and just waking up in the morning, taking a deep breath, and being grateful that I'm still here is enough. Now more than ever, I know that life is a gift and nothing else matters except love in all its messy, complicated forms.

I thought about writing a big thought-provoking post about turning 35 - what I've learned so far, things I'd like to accomplish in the next 5 years, any regrets I've had or pearls of wisdom I could offer you...I just can't seem to gather them at the moment, so until I finally can, I'll just say that I'm thankful for all of you who stop by and read this blog. The confidence it's given me over the years, especially during really hard times, has proven invaluable. Thank you.

Now onto the outfit.

Some of you may be wondering if I've lost all of my pants. This is probably the 7th or 8th dress I've worn on and off the internet since the beginning of Summer, and while I totally realize I should switch things up a bit, I can't stop wearing them! Dresses are just SO easy, and nothing else makes me feel more put together. This is another little number by the Aussie brand MinkPink, and I bought it on sale from Shopbop a couple months ago with my birthday or wedding anniversary in mind. I love the flutter sleeves, the tie detail at the bust, and the way it hugs my curves. Everyone wants to feel good on their birthday and this dress did just that!

The dress is perfect for Summer, but I'm happy to report that it can easily transition to warmer Fall days. It was super windy yesterday and there was a chill in the air, so I added this new cardigan on top and it worked well together. 

Nate took me to a restaurant in old town Temecula called The Nightingale. It was our first time, but it most certainly will not be our last! We didn't have a reservation but I recommend one on Friday and Saturday nights because it's a pretty small space. The atmosphere and decor were really romantic, the staff was friendly, and the food was delicious! We split the squid ink spaghetti and also got a cheese board because I live for them. I also loved their lavender infused cocktail - surprisingly good!

This might be the best drink to have when you're feeling stressed ;) Almost too pretty to drink.

That's it for today but I hope to blog at least a couple times next week so I'll see you then! Have a great weekend. 💋


Another day, another orange dress! I realize that my last outfit post was also an orange dress, but it just goes to show that a) it's still insanely hot in SoCal so lightweight pieces are a must and b) orange really is the new black! At least for me.

A couple weeks ago I walked into a local boutique looking for a candle, and I walked out with this flirty little dress instead. Growing up, I hated the color orange - absolutely hated it. So naturally that means I love it now as an adult. It looks glowing on freshly bronzed skin, pairs well with neutrals, and livens up your entire wardrobe. It may not be the most versatile hue, but consider it a fun addition that can instantly lift your mood! I think people overlook orange because it's so bold, but as someone who is introverted, I'm actually surprised at how much I'm gravitating towards vibrant color. 

Orange is the perfect late Summer into Fall shade because it looks great with leopard print, dark florals, and it compliments colors like rust and brick red. It's all about the mix! Most of us may not be able to transition to Fall clothing just yet, but planning what you'd like to wear is key. I always do an inventory of what I need in order to fill any gaps in my wardrobe and proceed from there. For instance, I don't own any nice black pants so a pair is on my current "to buy" list. On the other hand, I do own an olive utility jacket so even though those are making the rounds in stores, I can steer firmly away from buying a new one.  

But really, I haven't bought anything yet because September is just too hot here! Tell me it's the same where you are...also, what are you wearing these last couple weeks of Summer? Have a great weekend!


"Stay close to people who feel like sunshine."

August was a busy month filled with birthdays, lazy beach days, and plenty of friend time. I'm always amazed at how quickly Summer goes, and while many people are happy to rush through it, I'm still savoring every last moment. I mean can we at least wait until after Labor Day to start thinking about Fall? That used to be the norm, but now attention spans are such that we rush through everything. Before you know it, the holiday shopping guides will be making the rounds and the new year will be upon us...

But first, let's recap August, shall we?

The month began with a river trip to Arizona, and it came to a close with a camping trip to Carlsbad State beach. A couple of our friends are all about that #vanlife, so we joined them for a night and slept in the back of our Jeep Grand Cherokee. It's a tight squeeze, especially in comparison to camping in a trailer, but sleeping with the windows open and waking up to the sound of waves crashing against the shore makes it all worth it. In my opinion, there's no better sound in the world.

We also found a new beach that we really love! Cardiff By The Sea. It helped that we beat the crowds by going during the week, so we plan on going back on Tuesday (after Labor day weekend is over).

My best friend moved into a new apartment, but it's still in the beautiful area of Little Italy San Diego. To say that I want to move right in would be an understatement! Her aesthetic is similar to mine, but she executes it so much better than I ever could. See the white and turquoise rug? I want it! Luckily she doesn't much mind that I usually end up copying at least some part of her decor. Her bedroom is actually my favorite part of the new place, with palm print wallpaper covering one side of the room. It's paradise in the city!

Other things in August:

Eating/Drinking everything with fresh lemon! I'm trying to up my water intake, but naturally that can get a little boring on the taste buds so lemon juice it is. I've also been using it on top of salads and it's so healthy and refreshing! Here's my current favorite caesar recipe: romaine lettuce mixed with a handful of kale, shaved parmesan cheese, grilled chicken or salmon filet (whichever you prefer), a couple tablespoons of caesar dressing (this is the one we use), and the juice from half a lemon to top it all off. So good!

Still wearing breezy dresses, flip flops, bathing suits, and anything loose because the heat is no joke right now.

Listening to: Iration, Stick Figure, Lana, Sublime, Gloria by the Lumineers (I'm such a fan of theirs)

Looking forward to September! It's Virgo season, which means I can flaunt my perfectionist, type A tendencies and annoy the living Hell out of my non type A friends. Okay not really, but aside from my birthday I'm also excited to celebrate our 6th wedding anniversary.

Things I liked:
My friend Nicole's birthday in Blythe was one for the books! Honestly, it took me a few days to recover from the heat, sun, and day drinking. Mostly the day drinking.

My mom's birthday was on the 22nd, and my cousin was in town visiting from Guadalajara. She only visits once or twice a year, so it was really wonderful to catch up with her and the family. My Spanish needs WORK.

Things I didn't like:
Instagram influencers' obsession with all things Fall (beginning in late July), which let's get real, essentially just translates into dollar signs. Consumerism is what dictates seasons, not the actual weather. I'm sorry, I know I sound like a bitter old lady and I don't mean to be so negative but for whatever reason, this year seems overly contrived and ridiculous. I wore all that stuff in May, just three short months ago. Do most people even need new cold weather clothing? Didn't people just finish putting all that stuff away? Please, maybe I'm missing something, so feel free to set me straight. But I guarantee that the same people pushing for Fall right now will also be the ones complaining about the cold in like two months flat.

With that, I hope everyone has a great Labor Day weekend! Do you have any plans?


There's nothing more frustrating than getting a giant cystic pimple on my face. It seems that every month like clockwork, one pops up overnight. This normally happens around my menstrual cycle so although I can carefully time it, there's still a feeling of helplessness. There's only so much I can do to prevent and then ultimately treat a cystic pimple.

That doesn't stop me from trying.

If you're unfamiliar with cystic acne, consider yourself lucky! Those who've experienced them know what I'm talking about - red, swollen, painful bumps that form deep in the pore underneath the skin's surface. I get them on my chin, around my mouth, and along my jawline which is a classic symptom of hormonal imbalance. They're so stubborn that I typically get them in the exact same spots as previous flareups. So even though I can expect them every single month, there are a few steps I take to prevent "a big one." Some bumps are more manageable than others.

A little backstory on my skin: I had combination skin as a teenager with occasional breakouts on my t-zone. My chin was the home of cystic acne, especially around my period. I went on birth control pills when I was 18, and my skin was quite happy about that! The tone and texture evened out. I still would develop occasional bumps, but instead of getting them monthly, they would occur maybe yearly. In fact, my skin became pretty dry during my late twenties, and acne was no longer an issue until I went off of birth control two years ago. The progression was fast. My skin immediately began producing more oil and I tossed out my thick moisturizers and heavy oils in favor of lighter weight products more suitable for acne prone skin. I've read that if you had problem skin before birth control, then you will likely deal with it after stopping birth control. Of course every case is different, but many women take birth control pills to regulate their hormones so once they stop, hormones can go haywire.

My skincare routine isn't perfect just yet, but I've found that these steps have indeed made my monthly visitors less painful and more tolerable:

Girl, wash your face! I don't have to remind you that it's the single most important step in any skincare regimen. My most used cleanser is Cetaphil, and you can easily find it at your local drugstore. It's gentle enough for all skin types, and it cleanses without stripping your skin of essential oils. Lately I've been using this cleanser by Kate Somerville, but any basic oil-free face wash is just fine. It's not about the price or brand, but about the ingredients.

When you have acne flare-ups, you realize how crucial it is to exfoliate your entire face at least once per week. There are two types of exfoliants - physical and chemical. Physical exfoliation such as a scrub is the most common way to slough off dead skin cells. I use the Vasanti Brighten Up! Cleanser about twice a week in place of a regular cleanser. The little grains are just effective enough to work into a slight lather and rinse clean. You really need to be mindful of avoiding abrasive scrubs though - too harsh (or larger grains) can cause the reverse effect and can damage/tear your skin! Chemical exfoliation uses - you guessed it - chemicals to remove dead skin cells and create cell turnover. I personally feel that this form of exfoliation is the most effective. Not only does it remove buildup from the pores, but it also instantly brightens the skin. I use my favorite Kate Somerville ExfoliKate once a week, concentrating on my chin and jawline. 

The week before my menstrual cycle, I make sure that the lower half of my face gets extra attention every night. I use a clay or charcoal mask to deep clean and detoxify the entire area around my mouth and on my chin. I rinse with cool water for a squeaky clean finish.

I don't care how oily your skin is, moisturizing is a must! A non-greasy, oil-free lotion is what I prefer daily, and then I use a serum by Glo Skin Beauty at nighttime. It contains salicylic acid which gets rid of excess oil and deep cleans the pores. It helps prevent future breakouts.

Okay, now here's what I do when I first begin to feel a big red bump coming on. I wrap an ice cube in a paper towel and then hold it to the affected spot for a few minutes. This helps to reduce the redness and swelling. After that, I mix a bit of benzoyl peroxide (it kills the bacteria) with some hydrocortizone cream and apply a thin layer to the pimple. This works best overnight! I usually notice a decrease in size of the pimple the next morning, and the hydrocortizone helps eliminate much of the redness. I do this for a couple nights until the pimple disappears or starts to come up to the surface where it dries out within a few days.

I've tried so many different acne clearing products over the years but this system has worked the best for me. Like I said, it isn't perfect and I'm still in the process of figuring it all out. If you have any advice, please let me know in the comments or send me an email! Hormonal acne isn't fun, but it also doesn't have to control your life either. I hope some of you found this helpful!

Linking up with On The Daily Express and Straight A Style.


I first wore this dress back in Spring when Nate and I went on a weekend getaway to Palm Springs. I wore it once more after that, but as soon as Summer arrived, I didn't think I'd have much use for it until the weather cooled down. Luckily, there's a big drop in temperature here once the sun sets, so I decided to give it a go again for a night out last week. I love little dresses with long sleeves - there's just something so sophisticated about them! I also love that these sleeves are sheer, so you get the look without too much added warmth. Although I love the bright orange color now, I have a feeling I'll be wearing this dress even more come Fall.

But that won't be for awhile!

I may be in the minority here, but I'm not ready to say goodbye to Summer. I've been inundated with cardigans, tunics, jeans, and booties on my social media feeds for what seems like weeks now and I am not here for it. I totally understand the excitement surrounding a new season, but it's physically impossible for most of us to wear anything other than sundresses, shorts, and swimsuits. Honestly, the mere thought of a sweater makes me itch! I love Summer, and I don't want it to end. For the first time in years I actually managed to get a tan, and I plan on showing it off until I turn back into my pasty, ghostly, self come October. Summer makes me genuinely happy, it always has. It gives me a sense of freedom that I don't normally feel throughout the year, and it makes me want to try new things and experience a little adventure. So while you won't see Fall content on this blog anytime soon, I hope you'll be in the moment with me as I continue savoring one of the best Summers I've ever had.

Are you still enjoying Summer, or are you ready for Fall? 

Linking up with I Do DeClaire.